
Take your business skills to the next level

Time Management Tips for Busy Fashion Entrepreneurs

Time Management Tips for Busy Fashion Entrepreneurs

Learn the best strategies and tips on how to get more done, grow your business and achieve your dreams of running a successful clothing business ...
magic trade show fashion booth

How to start a niche clothing business in 2020

Today I’m going to share my story how I launched my 6-figure clothing business with 2 yards of polar fleece, that costed $25 . Beginning ...
SEO for clothing brands presentation

How to use SEO for your clothing brand

This is a presentation recorded at Apparel Camp in Vancouver on October 5, 2019. Do you have a website that gets little to no organic ...

5 Ways to use Responsible Sourcing to Boost your Bottom Line

Over the last several decades our idea of what business value is has evolved. That has been led by the evolution of the concept of ...
5 Top Tips for Entrepreneurial Success

5 Top Tips for Entrepreneurial Success

Being an entrepreneur nowadays is about taking advantage of all the opportunities that you have in front of you. To help shortcut your path to ...
The power of niching: How I got Google as a client

The power of niching: How I got Google as a client

Do you want to learn how to target your best customers without coming across as salesy and pushy? Do you need clarity around what specific ...
5 Ways to Overcome Small Business Challenges

5 Ways to Overcome Small Business Challenges

It’s almost a given that the small business owner wears many hats. Sometimes it feels like you’re troubleshooting more than you’re creating. Running a small ...
How to use stories to connect with customers for product businesses

How to use stories to connect with customers for product businesses

When I started my first business Punch Brand, I was a bit of a “shy entrepreneur”. I hid behind my brand and intentionally created the ...